The older I get, I am finding that I hunger for depth with the Father more than content. When I was younger, I came to understand God in us through Jesus Christ our Savior. From that period of my life until now, I began searching for Him. I flipped through scripture after scripture to find the sacredness of the Father and not so long ago, I found his Oneness within my own heart.
Jesus Christ opened the doorway for me to experience the eternal love of God. This new birth not only brought me alive but also awakened the spirit within me. I began to work out and release all the things that have been instilled in me from the world. This process of refinement is something that will take a lifetime because we are living in this world but must be reminded we are not of it. So, this gift is that we can constantly go to the Father to be purified, “made new.” Throughout the years as I have been releasing things, I have also been accepting my inheritance and receiving an ever flowing in and out of the goodness of God. The result of my hunger has been seeing His light becoming a part of me. Although I would love to say that I have arrived, I cannot, because arrival is something that is learned each day. I am grateful to be given “this day.”
Because of God’s glory within us, we can overcome the things of the world and begin walking out our destinies. Part of my “cleaning house” over the years has been to overcome what the world says I am and learn to accept my new identity in Christ. As I am maturing, I am realizing that there is so much more than accepting this new transformation. My life journey is to learn to walk out this new uniqueness. Making time for the Father has become my number one priority. My sole dependence on everything I do is within the Father. To know the Lord you have to be willing to make time for Him. I am seeing that accepting Jesus is merely the first baby step. What happens in the days to come is greater than we could ever imagine. There is much work that has to be put into this new life. There is no set of directions to follow other than what the Holy Spirit places on your heart to know Him. This journey has opened many new doors for me and I hope my thoughts help you on your journey.
As I began to step in the way of the ancients, hungering for more of the Lord, my heart began to be filled with the presence of the Father and new opportunities have been brought forth to glorify the Lord. These gradual “upgrades” have helped me to loose the ways of the world and begin to be grafted into a daughter of the Most High. This process that I am walking out has shown me that when I become who He says I am, I not only glorify Him but He glorifies me. I believe this is what being in union with the Father is. After we loose the worldly ways we have been taught, we can begin to be led by the Holy Spirit in our daily walk. His thoughts can now become our thoughts. This new union that we have within the Father will help us to fulfill the Great Commission, our assignment in life. I believe this is what living according to the plan that God has for us looks like.
It is our choice how to decide what to do with our time here. This is something that the Father has freely given us. I want to be obedient to my Father and also to the call that He has for my life. I know that this transformation that happens after accepting the Son is something that takes time and this blessing that I have chosen to receive has now become a part of my life. I know now that there is not one thing that I can do without the Father nor would I ever want to live a life without Him. His sacredness has been intricately woven into our beings to be a natural way of life. The choice is ours. I am thankful for choosing to consecrate myself to the Father, to set my life aside and to be used as a vessel for the Lord to work through. This hunger to know more of the Father has been placed as a burden on my heart and has now extended into wanting to show the world who my God is and how He loves us all.
We are all on different journeys, learning new things according to what has been given to us from the Father. The sacredness of the Father is to learn to let go of the worldly ways and learn to become aligned with Him treading the narrow ways to receive upgrades in the kingdom of God.
Isaiah 43:7 NKJV states:
Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”
We were created to experience the glory of God within us and to share this greatness with all that we come into contact with. May your journey be filled with depth and may the sacredness of the Father be forever instilled within your heart.
God Bless
Thanks Michelle for sharing your faith commitment; it is a source of inspiration.