I would of loved to be a part of Pentecost. Many believed the power of the Holy Spirit that day, by the acts that were revealed in plain sight. Others who did not believe, chalked it up to being drunk with wine. Can you imagine what that day looked like after reading Acts 2:1-13? What picture are you drawing in your mind of that day? I bet the day was filled with chaos of astonishment, fear, joy and shock. How do you think you would of reacted? Do you think you would have had time to process or react? Do you think it would be something that would occur within you at the time based on the posture of your heart?
After reading this piece of scripture and seeing the power of the Holy Spirit at work within the ones who believed, I believe that an Acts 2 church is how we should live our lives today. The miracles that took place that day are still available and at work today in our lives if you believe. The people that moved forward did many great things in the name of Jesus. They took the gospel, the Good News and carried it forward into unknown territories to share the testimony of Jesus Christ and to set captives free. We all need set free of something. Our gift is Jesus Christ the Son of God who came to set us free so that we can receive the Father and all He has to offer us. This Pentecost that occurred is something that we have within us today when we accept the Son and receive the glory of God within us. When our heart is right we can receive and release the goodness of God. That goodness that works through us is the power of the Holy Spirit. When we begin to operate in this manner, our cups will overflow in and through our being to receive and release what our Father has to offer. We are seed planters but we need to believe in what we receive to accomplish these assignments given to us by the Lord.
We read for content and read the story but little do we know these are more than stories. These mysteries are also for us today. The key is to believe. Do you believe in the power of the Holy Spirit? When you received Jesus Christ the Savior, the door that leads to the Father did you also accept everything that the Father had to offer you? His Spirit within you is the power that has been given to you to use in your life. As you pour out what the Father gives you each day, the Holy Spirit replenishes you. You have to believe to receive and see the Spirit of God active in your life. The Bible has been given as your guide to lead you in your life. It’s full of wonders that will help you to fulfill the kingdom of God on earth. When you accept your adoption and become sons and daughters of the most high you begin to operate in a heavenly manner. What you have within you becomes contagious to the one in front of you. Do you believe?
from Billy Graham’s book The Holy Spirit: “During the period of time covered by the four Gospels, the work of the Holy Spirit centered around the Person of Jesus Christ. the God-man wa begotten of the Spirit (Luke 1:35), baptized by the Spirit (John 1:32-33) led by the Spirit (Luke 4:1) Anointed by the Spirit (Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38) and empowered by the Spirit (Matt 12:27-28). He offered Himself as an atonement for sin by the Spirit (Heb 9:14, was raised by the Spirit (Rom 8:11) and gave commandments by the Spirit (Acts 1:2)”
If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit for all this, how desperately must we need the Holy Spirit for our lives and those around us.