Faith. It’s a small five-letter word packed with power, but so hard to define.
There are many examples in the Bible of those who had faith, but how can we describe how it works in us? Have you ever thought about this word and tried to define it? Many times, when someone shares something with me I have a hard time wrapping my mind around what it means. Faith is like this. Could faith be something that not only becomes a part of us but something we have to walk out each day to understand how it operates in us?
When we walk out faith each day it does become a part of us. When we read the scripture of those who have gone before us, our faith builds within us. I believe that faith is not needing to see something, but just believing. When you believe, your hope rises and faith begins to grow within you. Faith may not be something tangible to the living eye but is the feeling inside that you just know. It is not something physical that can be touched however, the heart knows. The heart identifies that it is there by the feeling it produces while it pushes us forward. A believers best example of faith is believing in the Holy Spirit. Even though Jesus performed miracles, some did not believe that He was Divine (Matthew 13:55-40). Faith also can be when you have nothing else to go on and you choose to believe to make it through your day. It’s there when you can’t see it and has been given to us by the Father to overcome difficult situations. Faith keeps us pushing forward. To the believer, it gives God all the credit. To the unbeliever, faith is seen as luck, coincidence, or even hard work, and the credit is given the outcome, which has no internal feeling.
At some point in our lives, we realize that things are just that, things. What we obtain from this life is temporary. Cars, houses, jobs are all needed to live this life but they are not what sustains us. Our validation comes through our inheritance from the Father. Faith becomes a part of us and matures from different trials and tribulations throughout our lives. It cannot be cultivated by what we acquire in life but transpires through our life experiences. Believing that our supernatural God can do all and has made all things for our good opens the door and grows our faith in and through us. You can believe in material things or the ways of the world; all will let you down. This is where our faith begins to bloom. These tough times are where we search for relief, an escape, or a way out. God’s word offers us the fruit of the Spirit, and in what He gives us; faith arises. Hope ignites the spark to believe and belief is what fuels the fire of faith in our lives. No matter what this world says, when we hold onto the faith of the Father through His written word and prayer, we’re able to transform ourselves in all situations. This is how I see faith. How do you define faith in your life?