When we say YES to Jesus, we begin to walk according to our destiny God designed for us. Our new connection to the Father is a vine tended by the Vinedresser. Our lives are fulfilled by the pruning He accomplishes in us by removing the bad fruit and trimming the vine, to produce more fruit for His glory. We carry the splendor of the Lord within us and constantly need to check the fruit we produce.
The filling that God displays on our hearts forever changes as we begin our walk with the Father. It cannot be compared to anything that the world has to offer us because we are not of the world. We were created in the image of the Father. There is no going back when we are aligned in complete union with the Father. Of course, we have good days and bad days, but when we say YES to Jesus, we are connecting with the one and only Supreme God who begins to live and work in and through us.
I have always loved the Lord, but when I said YES and began to walk out what the Father had for me, my life changed drastically. I can’t imagine my life without being connected to the Vinedresser. Before the connection, life was meaningless and full of searching. Living my life for the Lord has filled the empty spots. He fuels my being each day and strengthens me from the inside out. I feel His presence with me and am never alone. I am comforted by Him and always looking for His “Godwinks” each day. Being connected to the Father has opened my spiritual senses to be able to experience what true kingdom living is about.
There is so much more when we say YES to Jesus. When I am connected to the vine, I feel alive. The Holy Spirit can work through me as a vessel having His way in me. As I believe and step out in obedience and faith, He prepares the way for me. My cup is in constant overflow since I surrendered my life to Him. He fills me up and I get to pour it all out. He strengthens me when I am weak and encourages me through His word.
I am a child of God and thankful that He has saved me from the world, offering me a new life in Him. There is no other place I would want to be than connected to the vine. Discipleship starts when we say YES!