Give Us Eyes to See

God is working in the background of our lives even when we can’t see it. The reason why I can state this is because I have been at the bottom many times throughout my life. Now, as I look back to difficult situations or transitions, I can see that He was working in me the whole time. I am where I am now because I had to go through the refining process. 

Have you ever read John 15:2 in the Bible about how God prunes the good and bad? He prunes non-producing fruit, and He also prunes what is being produced to bear even more. The fruit represents how we live our lives. I get worn down at times when I am trying to be all the scripture says with no results. I must remember that my blessing is the Father. He gives all and replenishes all. I guess that is another part of me that needs surrendered. Instead of becoming numb to a situation that may be stagnant, I must continue to pray and get my comfort in the Lord. What seems like wasted days are never wasted, according to the Lord. He is working in the background for us. We just need to set our emotions aside and learn to be led by the Holy Spirit. It’s easier said than done in most situations, but I believe it is part of our assignment here. God is working in the background of our lives even when we can’t see it. 

There are so many facets of surrender…especially when things are not going “our way.” The world tires us out, but the Lord fills us up continually with His Spirit. Like the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1–26), we need to be filled daily with living water.

Help us Lord. Recover our spirits. Make us fresh and full of energy for this day. 


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