The question is: “What is our purpose for being in the world?”
Jesus clearly states in John 6:38 what His purpose is: to do the will of God. I believe this question is something that most people at some point in their lives ponder. It breaks my heart to think of the number of individuals who have given their lives to Jesus but are still asking this question. It makes me think that when God called them to salvation, they answered the call but continued to be lost in the natural world. The transformation that was just beginning has suddenly been caught in between a life-changing moment within the person’s spirit and the ever-changing world at hand.
To even answer the call to salvation is huge! This is the most important step in the life of a Christian. This step opens the door to more than we can physically imagine. But sadly, this is where most people get stuck. Salvation is where we decide that we want to live a life free from the bondage of the world. It is where we are forgiven and given grace and mercy. The new beginning of becoming a new creation is where we develop a hunger for more of God. It all started with the need to be forgiven and to want to live a life that the world cannot offer. This is where our hope comes in. We believe there is more than what we see or where we currently are. This is where our faith activates, at this very moment. But what we don’t see or understand is that we have work we must do after our salvation experience.
So, what are we missing out on when our Christian growth gets stuck in between the world and the heavenly kingdom? For starters, we begin shortly asking ourselves questions like what I opened this blog with, “What is my purpose for being in the world?” When we choose to be obedient to this call through faith and through hungering for more, we begin to move from the in-between into the heavenly kingdom of God. God begins to open our eyes through our faith, and the scriptures begin to reveal our unique purpose. Wisdom and discernment are learned through this process, and more is given to us. Our choice to choose Jesus opens the door to work alongside God, choosing Him to lead us in this life through His Spirit. In this journey, we learn many things about ourselves, the world, the enemy and his evil schemes. When our focus is on the Lord, we have no time to look back, fear, or worry, because we are now looking forward and achieving the qualities the Lord has placed upon us. In achieving these qualities, we are given God’s precious promises that His Word speaks of (2 Peter 1:3-11). We become disciplined and obedient to the written Word of God, and with that we grow into the mirror image of Christ. Just as Jesus did the will of God, we begin to mirror this. In doing this, people begin to see God in and through us. We acknowledge that just as Jesus was sent to save us, we are now commissioned to share the gospel with others, all the while saying that it is not our will or us but Christ through us. All of this takes place through the knowledge of who God is. Reading scripture, prayer, listening for the still small voice of God, and being led by the Holy Spirit helps us to become more like Him and creates in us all the original intentions of God for our life. This is the transformation process. We become the vessel for the Holy Spirit to work through.
Salvation is the first step in the transformation, and through the hunger of wanting to know Him more, the baptism of the Holy Spirit provides us with the ability to be led, filled, refreshed, renewed, and healed. Because of our new understanding of God, we are gifted with the ability to war and fight battles in the spiritual realm through prayer. We are also able to help others by being able to go into the throne room of God and contend to be sealed up—just as we were at Salvation—to stop the enemy from having any access to us or the ones we are contending for (Daniel).
All of this and so much more is what becomes available to the one who accepts Jesus. This is the beginning of demonstrating the manifold wisdom of God. Ephesians 3:6 says: “This mystery is that the Gentiles are joint heirs and fellow members of the same body and co-sharers of the promise in Messiah Yeshua through the Good News” (TLV). Through Jesus, God has given us favor and He has given us authority to exercise His power on earth as co-sharers of the Good News (Eph. 3:7 TLV). Our purpose is to make God known to all who cross our paths. We have been tasked to keep with the eternal purpose that was carried out in Jesus (Eph. 3:11 TLV). This all comes about through our faith and trust in the Lord.
There is no need to ask the opening question of “What is our purpose?” if and when we choose to act on our hunger. God will continue to provide for us to always know our purpose: becoming the image of Christ through loving the one in front of us. In knowing all this, we begin to realize that our purpose is not about the natural but all about the eternal. God is doing a transformation in each one of us who choose Jesus. We must learn to not allow the carnal mind to step in and confuse us. This is where the enemy lies, in the mind. This is where if we are not careful, we can get stuck. We must allow the transformation process to take root and begin to grow from the cross. We were meant to bloom and to believe through faith and hope that we were destined for more than this world offers. The battle is in the spiritual realm, and it is a real battle for our souls. Through keeping our eyes on the eternal prize of life in the kingdom, we will overcome battles that cause us to question our purpose. We were always meant to dwell in the house of the Lord, right by His side. We can choose today in faith to acquire a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord—allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us into our God-given destinies.
God gives us all assignments here on earth and as we grow closer to Him, He adjusts the assignment based upon the measure that He gives us. Our assignments are always changing because we are vessels for Him to use and He is the Giver and Equipper of the call. We partner with Him to see it through. We can view assignments the same way we think about our purpose. I feel as if my purpose at this time is to help others who are presently stuck in between salvation and their God-given destinies. I feel as if I am to help them get over this gap so that they can truly understand what freedom is all about and so they can start living out the eternal kingdom of God within. Everyone has a unique assignment on earth, and some even have many different ones. I feel as if part of my assignment is to help see this through.
May the peace of the Lord be with you, and may your love of God abound in you, casting down all anxieties and fears of questions such as, “What is my purpose for being in the world?”
May God Bless you!
I have lived my life , all my life through our Lord and the earthly world. My Lord has always been my inner being that through my tuffest to my holiness time , Jesus has guided my life. We all have our ups and downs, good and bad, but you have to believe in you earthly body, your soul, and most of all your inner being that Jesus is our flame our energy, our electricity, our element of our whole purpose of being here in our body, our temple of God who shows us the way. It’s up to you to Believe and accept it. I am very happy and content with myself. Even with all my wrong doings in life, Jesus has forgiven me. I learned this later in my life again and I FORGAVE MYSELF! It is just a path in your life, no matter what wrong you have done, GIVE IT TO GOD AND ASK FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS and He regained my faith in myself as in Him. I LOVE YOU JESUS AND THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME THE WAY HOME! 🙏 AMEN