We were born into sin and recently, I have been asking myself if our hearts are good or bad. I started to wonder if part of why we are here is to learn to remove the ways of the world from our hearts and fill it with the intentions of the Lord. I have a thought about the heart that I would like to share. What if the heart that we are talking about is not the human organ heart that we think it to be? What if the heart is made up of more than a ticker that keeps our body alive?
“ Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.”
Hebrews 10:22
We are New Testament believers and we have been given the ultimate gift. We have been given Jesus Christ. When we choose to follow Jesus many doors open to us. One door in particular is being able to go directly to the Father. We no longer have to go the route of the Old Testament believers, but we now have a direct line of communication to God.
One of the greatest gifts that we have been given is to be able to repent and ask the Father for forgiveness. This truly is a gift. As you know, when we inherit the kingdom of God as His children, He is gracious and merciful to us. When we truly ask for forgiveness with a pure heart, God not only forgives us but this process makes us pure and new again. We also have to play our part in believing that we will be set free. It’s one thing to say you believe and have faith; it is another thing to walk out your belief.
The Bible has many scriptures on the heart. Jeremiah says the heart is deceitful and sick (Jeremiah 17:9-10). Proverbs tell us to guard our hearts (Proverbs 24:3). John tells us not to let our hearts be troubled (John14:1). Matthew tells us that out of the heart comes evil thoughts (Matthew 15;9). Samuel tells us that God looks on the heart (1Samuel 16:7). These are just to name a few. The Bible is filled with scriptures about our heart. Our heart is more than just an organ. The heart is where it all starts. We make choices from the heart. Our will comes from our heart. The heart is the center of operations of our daily life.
I believe that when we are born, we have a clean slate and as we grow and develop through life, our hearts get cluttered with good and bad things. The ways of the world spill over in to our hearts making them impure. Why do you think that David wrote: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10 NKJV)? David’s heart turned to the worldly ways. The evil schemes of the enemy saturated David’s heart and filled him with lust and bad thoughts to get what he wanted. God gave the enemy power over the earth although God is in full control of ALL things at all times. Part of this evil power is how the enemy works supernaturally to change the condition of our hearts. When we accept Jesus Christ our Savior, who paid the price of His life for sin to be no more, we freely accept this gift offering to us from the Father to be able to ask the Father for forgiveness when our hearts become tainted. We also receive the discernment or burden of when we are not doing the right thing. With this new ability that God has given us, we can take the sin straight to the Father and ask for forgiveness to make our hearts clean once again. When we do this, we break all ties to the enemy and are washed clean just as when we were washed clean at our baptism. This gift is what will sustain us through life and will keep us on the narrow path, the least traveled route. This reward from the Lord will bring us wisdom and will keep our hearts from breaking down and giving in to the ways of evil. I believe that God gave us this to sustain our hearts from the ways of the enemy. He loves us so much and has so much to give us. It’s up to us to fully surrender and receive what our Father has to give us. Have you checked your heart lately?