The connection is there but are we grounded? I like to think of my connection with God as a telephone cord. The curly part of the telephone is the Holy Spirit and how we hear God. This cord is what connects us to the phone body and establishes a connection. The phone body is God. This is how the network is generated. We are the receiver that listens to the Father being connected through the Holy Spirit. This connection sets forth a direct line of communication to the Father. It produces all kinds of conversations throughout our lives.
Our communication becomes personal when we learn how to use the phone. This relationship with the Father cannot be obtained by any other method. God transmits all our assignments throughout life through the Holy Spirit. When we are in alignment with the Father, recognizing that He is in us, we can receive His messages through the Spirit. Only then can our minds become awakened to our spiritual senses and directly wire us into one single exchange with the Father. This is God within us.
This is where our conversion from our old self occurs, and we begin to upgrade into the new creation through Jesus Christ the Savior of the world. This is where our journey begins. It’s easy to get lost along the way. Our firm foundation is set upon the cornerstone of our life, the Son who paid the price for us. We can never repay what He did for us to become grounded in the Father. Jesus opened the door for us giving us a direct line of communication with the Father. It’s up to us to learn to make the transmission occur.
I pray today for the Holy Spirit to reveal more of the Father to you and open the connection to experience His goodness for you. May this connection ignite a fire within to hunger for more of Him and your spiritual senses awaken to His presence and all He has for you. May your spirit come to life and the Father fill your cup to overflow. As you pour out the goodness of the Father let his replenishing make you new. This is how a telephone works. It generates many transmissions and allows us to listen and receive from the phone body. Choose to listen closely to what the Father is releasing, and the Holy Spirit will guide you towards your destiny.
Come Holy Spirit