I believe the Holy Spirit comes alive and runs through us as we act on burdens placed within us. These things can be produced by an impartation or a singular Holy Spirit Moment. These “inside” moments of spiritual knowing, creates an outward expression of God at work through us when we make the feeling a reality. When we act on the burden that God has given us, out of compliance, we are blessed with the tools to carry out the assignment. These tools often come in the form of spiritual gifts. They have been given to us, not for our benefit, but to be equipped to love the one in front of us.
I was in the dental field for eighteen years and always had a love for World Missions. When I took my first dental trip to Honduras, little did I know that my whole world would soon be changed. I have always had a heart for missions and God allowed me to walk out this call in my field of expertise. I took the first step of fulfilling what was missing within me by stepping out to be sent. This act of obedience to the call, opened up a job opportunity in the outreach and global mission field. Had I not taken the step, I may not have found my calling. I knew nothing about the position but soon would rely solely on the Holy Spirit to guide me. I can honestly say when looking back while working in outreach, I experienced a Holy Spirit moment and I am sure that the volunteer’s aka, my friends who served alongside of me would say the same. This position was brand new at the church and I was the sole employee. I am going to be completely honest; I had no clue how to do it. All I had was my faith in the Lord to equip me for whatever He had planned. This was also a burden on my Pastors heart and new to him as well, so he suggested that I learn the “ropes” by visiting a church that was experienced and very successful in outreach. I knew that our outreach would look much different in the Midwest, but I needed a starting point to learn to gauge the temperature of our city. This is where my journey began.
As I began to come up with a strategy to reach the people in the city, I realized that one thing often led to another and then yet another. The Holy Spirit provided many avenues to reach people. As we opened new doors, more was needed and we were able to provide for the need. Before it was all over, we had pages of local outreach opportunities available for anyone to serve. There was something for everyone’s desire. The outreaches not only multiplied, but so did the number of volunteers that had an interest in loving on the city. It wasn’t enough to learn to love the city. The Lord soon burdened us with the need to know why we were doing it.
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 1Peter 4:10 NKJV
Love starts in the heart and this is where outreach started for many of us. We learned the area and the needs, but what happened after is something that can be looked back on, seeing the Holy Spirit right in the middle of all of it. As for myself and many of the people who chose to be involved with outreach, we began to plan and conquer the city. We started to see a shift in the way that we opted to go about reaching people. We wanted real relationships that would change the lives of the ones in need. We also found our lives changing in the process by stepping-out in obedience. What started as a job, turned into a way of life. The impact was imprinted forever on our hearts, and the hearts of those who were touched. We chose to step out in faith, putting everything we had in hopes of helping another. Our hearts were transforming slowly as we hit the streets. Friendships were forming with local non-profit organizations, and also with the people who arrived in need. Outreach changed from a posture of what we needed to do to help the city or a community, to working together, forming bonds that would also help each other. Soon not only my friends who served alongside me were being changed along with me, but complete families were being changed, transformed into a new way of life. What started as an opportunity, soon became deep-rooted, established within the individual’s heart, to automatically love the one in front of us.
When hearts are aligned to see God at work, the impossible becomes possible. Whatever God wants to do through us can be accomplished when we are in accord and surrendered to the Lord. When the Holy Spirit is in you working, greater things can be done. Stepping out is the activation that the Holy Spirit needs to work. Also, when we step out, we activate Holy Spirit’s power to be able to get the job done. In doing so, we receive whatever gifts necessary to complete the task. God has many gifts He wants to give. The question is: Will we embrace what He has for us specifically? You have been uniquely made. Whatever the call is, God will equip the one who will say yes!
May God Bless you!