Be still, and know that I am God Psalm 46:10 NKJV
On September 15, 2024, I experienced a profound transformation in my life, triggered by a Sunday church sermon
I vividly remember the topic: Mary and Martha. The pastor was speaking on being present in the moment, which reminded me of a prophetic word I had received years ago from another pastor I worked for. He advised me to be more like Mary rather than Martha. So, you can imagine my thoughts when this topic resurfaced.
Let me back up a moment and share that I had not only been physically exhausted but also mentally drained. It felt as if I had nothing left to give and my mind was ready to shut down. My eyes felt heavy, not from sleep but from sheer fatigue. I realized I had allowed my thoughts to overwhelm me, keeping me on a relentless hamster wheel. I had run myself ragged. My life had become a series of demands, and I was trying to sustain myself independently. What I didn’t understand was that self-sufficiency is an illusion. God created us to rely on Him. Little did I know that on that day, I was nearing the end of my own strength, but what happened at the end of service would change everything.
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5 NKJV
Gods breathe created the world we live in. When a baby comes out of the womb it is the first breathe––the breath of God––that brings the child into life. This divine breath enables us to function. Self-sufficiency is an illusion. I wonder how long I had been operating independently from God.
At the end of service, the Lord placed a burden upon me to speak with the pastor about the impactful sermon. As I approached the pulpit, my usual grin and bear it self-began to crack. I intended to express my gratitude and my need to reevaluate my life, but instead I found myself sobbing uncontrollably. I did not even know why. I told the pastor that I appreciated the message and that I was crying from complete exhaustion. She kindly replied, “You just need a refreshing; go over and receive prayer.” I thanked her and made my way to a couple who were ministering to others. As I waited for my turn, the tears kept flowing. I could not control them. These were not ordinary tears; they were tears of lament. They were flooding my face. I must have gone through several tissues as each one was disintegrating from the wetness, not to mention I felt a bit uncomfortable.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
James 1:17 NKJV
The husband-and-wife ministers greeted me cheerfully. They called me by name asking how they could help. All I could manage to say was “I need prayers for exhaustion. I’m so tired.” The floodgates opened further, making it hard to articulate anything else. I closed my eyes, allowing them to minister to me both physically and spiritually.
I felt my body becoming heavy, swaying back and forth as if I were about to collapse. As they continued to pray. they gently called my name and asked me to raise my hands. In that moment I was in a state of surrender, receiving prayer while trying to focus on their words. I raised my hands and suddenly, I fell back. I believe that was when I truly let go of the control, I thought I had. It all happened so quickly. Before I knew it, I was on the floor, covered up, tears streaming down my face, experiencing a peace I have never been able to achieve on my own.
To put it simply, I became completely surrendered. I was at the end of myself, and when I let go, the Spirit filled me with a bliss, I had never known. When I opened my eyes my prayer partner smiled and asked, “How do you feel?” I replied, “Like I could stay here forever.”
Eventually I got up and carried on with my day, but something within me had changed. I felt a lasting peace. Before this experience, I had been caught up in a cycle of trying to accomplish too much own. Now I was no longer trapped by the illusions of my mind. I believe the Lord was waiting on me to reach the end of myself to reveal His true nature is by filling me with His breathe, His peace.
My mind had been scattered; I struggled to complete tasks without starting new ones. I overloaded myself, setting myself up for failure. Yet, the Lord was preparing me for a life-changing experience. In trusting Him in all that I am, I began to grasp the true meaning of “Be still and know that I am God.”
I pray that my personal experience inspires and opens new doors for those in need of refreshment. May this word inspire, encourage and lift you up as you keep pushing forward.
May God Bless you!
Stay tuned for my next blog, where I will explore what it means to rest in the spirit for both the mind and the spirit. I’ll discuss saying yes to Jesus, surrendering to the workings of the Holy Spirit, and how these aspects help Christs followers align with God’s plan for our lives.
Look out for more of my journey in Resting in the Spirit Part 2.