For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.
Romans 8:22 NKJV
Are you suffering? Let’s be honest—everyone faces suffering at some point in life.
Until we understand the meaning of salvation, we not only suffer but remain lost. God sent a Redeemer to restore us and make us whole in Him. Just as the Israelites were lost in the world, chasing their own selfish desires to find fulfillment, we too have fallen into the same pattern (Isaiah 1:1-3 NKJV).
The difference between those who found the Savior and the ones who were spiritually sick is humanity now can receive grace and mercy as a free gift in return for a life lived in and through the Lord of Hosts.
The Israelites were not only God’s chosen people, but they were also given everything they needed. Yet, they still denied God. They failed to understand that the world—along with everything and everyone in it—was only temporary. Instead, they focused on what their physical eyes could see. Does this sound familiar?
Today, the Lord has chosen to bring His Beloved Son to us in physical form. This allows us not only to read about the Son of the Living God but also to connect with His life and challenges. Through this, we are given the opportunity to make a clear choice about how we wish to live the rest of our lives.
Creation groaning refers to the natural world.
The natural world, while beautiful, cannot fully satisfy or sustain us in the way that a relationship with God can. Jesus is the Gateway, the Door and the binding agreement through which we can reconnect with God. By choosing this path, we find unity with the Father. Jesus, referred to as “the Bread of Life,” provides the spiritual nourishment and fulfillment our souls have been yearning for, enabling us to undergo an inner transformation.
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
Genesis 2; 2-3 NKJV
On the seventh day God rested and it was all good. Making a salvation decision to be rescued from the sin of the world is one that puts us back into the seventh day of creation. Everything was perfect. God rested which entails that all was in perfect balance and harmony. Through Christ, we too can have that perfect peace.
For us today, when we choose Christ, we begin the transformation process of being redeemed, justified, sanctified and restored. The Bible states that we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, sons and daughters of the most High in possession of the King of Kings; the Lord of Lords. There in no one higher than God. He is the ruler over every authority, and He has given us the gift to reign in the world while we are passing through. In Him through Him and in the unity with Jesus Christ we have been given power by the Holy Spirit within us to live according to the will of God for our life. Who have you chosen to rule over and with you in this life?
Sin came into the world long before we arrived and has played a central part in man’s mind. The battlefield is and always has been in the mind. Revisit the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis. It was Eve’s ‘mind’s eye,’ that drew her to the apple, captivated by how appealing it seemed. Before that, they lived fully guided by the Spirit, unaware even of their nakedness. That awareness only came after they chose to open their minds to knowing all things. Like Adam and Eve, we were created to live in close communion with God.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3: 16 NKJV
Because God so loved the world, He had a plan for creation and today we have the opportunity to take the Almighty Father up on His offer by accepting Jesus Christ as the doorway to becoming whole in God. This process is the transfiguration that we are groaning for. The seventh day was a day of completion and is still a day that we can come into. With God no one is left behind (Luke 15: 4-7 NKJV).
Perfect transformation is waiting for you. Are you ready to receive this free gift?
Thank you JESUS
Loved this. Needed to be grounded in what’s important in this world and our reason for being here…