Ancient Paths
Now Available!
The material in this book will help you to unlock these ancient patterns and will release new depths of spiritual transformation in your life, while enriching your ability to operate in the heavenly power of God.
In these Spirit-filled pages, you will learn to hear the voice of God, walk in the Spirit, and experience and move in signs and miracles. You will learn alignment with God, and your faith will grow. You will see how fasting opens doors of new opportunity and shows you the next steps of moving forward in the kingdom of God. You will also learn to “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12 NKJV) and wage spiritual warfare while liberating the captives of the devil.
Behold! God Is Speaking to Us: A Fifty-Two Week Old Testament Devotional
Now Available!
At times in our lives, we sense a stirring inside of us; one that leaves us anxious to fill an unidentified void. Behold! God Is Speaking to Us shows the reader that God is doing a new thing, something miraculous, in your life if you’ll trust Him. His love radiates through Old Testament scripture just as His love shines like a beacon through each of us now. Watch and see our Lord meet you where you are today as you view these Spirit-filled pages. This 52-week devotional will keep you aligned with the Holy Spirit as you trust and seek the Lord, eagerly pursuing what He has for you.
Transformation and renewal of mind begins with taking the first step into reading and meditating upon God’s powerful word. Behold! God Is Speaking to Us.
This devotional brings:
Restoration through being in His presence (Hosea 6:1);
New beginnings; nothing can stop the love and power of God (Ruth 1:16);
Hunger to search the Lord out (2 Chronicles 16:9);
Guidance; you will be like a well-watered garden (Isaiah 58:11);
Courage in the battle (Joshua 1:9).
Michelle Gehrt is a former outreach and missions director in Columbus, Ohio, where she started by serving the city and meeting the needs of its people. She has traveled the world as a short-term missionary, bringing sustainable water systems and organizing a church build in the Dominican Republic. She is the wife to a wonderful husband, the mother of four grown children, and grandmother to four grandchildren. Michelle’s early career was in the dental field, and after fifteen years, she changed in her scrubs after an impactful dental mission in Honduras. Her motto is Isaiah 6:8: “Here I am; send me.” She lives her life as a vessel to be an example and a light for others to see. This is the first book that Michelle has written, and it has been prophetically activated from the heart of God and released through the Holy Spirit. Michelle has a heart for others and wants them to experience the Father’s love the way she does. She has written this devotional to capture the hearts of others and win souls for Christ.