The Tabernacle/Salvation Experience

As I have been reading How To Worship A King, the Lord has shown me what living the New Covenant life looks like through these ancient “old ways.” The revelation that I have received is that there is a process involved. Just as the process of long ago was to demonstrate the Lord in all …

Work in Progress

“Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom. Hebrews 1:8 NKJV I love it when the Lord reveals some of His hidden mysteries! Lately, the Lord has shown me the importance of becoming righteous. I believe that He has purposely exposed this word to me for this time right …

Saying Yes in Unbelief

I was reading Mark 16:11-20 the other day and began to see how similar we are to the disciples of long ago. The questions that we have today about the wondrous ways of the Father, the signs and the miracles were also things these aged ones pondered. In fact, while reading Mark16, the Holy Spirit …

God Gives Good Gifts

I think the thing we most often forget is that everything we have been given by God is not actually for us but to be used through us. We are given spiritual gifts for the kingdom. These gifts given by God are for us to use and excel in them. I look at them as …